Monday, April 21, 2014

Launch Internet Explorer inside Google Chrome

According to a statistics, 56.4% of internet surfers uses Google Chrome followed by Firefox and Internet Explorer respectively.

Below is the latest statistics from w3school:

For Chrome users like me, we sometimes need to have alternative browser whenever a website we open is not compatible with Google Chrome. There are some website that doesn't open correctly or sometimes doesn't open at all in Google Chrome thus we had to open Internet Explorer just to open certain websites.

Good thing I discovered a Google Chrome Extension which allows you to open Internet Explorer inside Chrome!

Here's how it looks like:

You simply have to install the IE Tab extension from this link:

Then once installation have completed, open the website normally by entering the url in address bar then click the IE Tab icon on the upper right side.

Now you will have the website opened in Internet Explorer inside Google Chrome.

For Firefox extension, see this link.

Credits to: for the browser statistics

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